Movie Plot Men in Black III is the movie that tells of an alien criminal kills the young Agent K in 1969, altering the timeline, changing the Agency and placing the Earth in danger. Veteran Agent J (Will Smith) must travel back in time to 1969 to before the murder and work with the young Agent K (Josh Brolin) to save him, the Agency, the Earth and humanity itself.
Movie Info
Director......... : Barry Sonnenfeld
Writer........... : Lowell Cunningham, David Koepp
Genre............ : Action | Comedy | Sci-Fi
Release.......... : 25 May 2012 (USA)
Tim Burton
Will Smith
Josh Brolin
Alice Eve
Tommy Lee Jones
Movie Trailer
Movie Tag
Men in Black III Free download, Men in Black III Studio 21, video trailer from youtube and subtitle allsubtitle, subscene, opensubtitle. You can download this movie in BRRip, BDRip, DVDRip, TSRip, CAMRip quality video from site mediafire, indowebster, hofile, fileserve, Rapidshare and Megaupload film
Movie Plot UDIN CARI ALAMAT PALSU is the movie that tells of Udin got a Casting letter from a producer in Jakarta. But then the call letters are missing when Udin arrival in Jakarta . Then Udin have to survive in the harshness of life in Jakarta and meet new people in the course of his career.
Movie Info
Director......... : Chiska Doppert
Writer........... : Bagus Nugroho, Herry B. Arissa
Genre............ : Comedy
Release.......... : 24 Mei 2012
Udin Sedunia
Adelia Rasya
Joanna Alexandra
Marcella Lumowa
Mike Lucock
Moymoy Palaboy
Mpok Atik
Roadfill Palaboy
Ronald Gustav
Movie Trailer
Movie Tag
UDIN CARI ALAMAT PALSU Free download, UDIN CARI ALAMAT PALSU Studio 21, video trailer from youtube and subtitle allsubtitle, subscene, opensubtitle. You can download this movie in BRRip, BDRip, DVDRip, TSRip, CAMRip quality video from site mediafire, indowebster, hofile, fileserve, Rapidshare and Megaupload film
Movie Plot
Sule's father, a farmer whose wealth was mediocre, have fallen into poverty because of the failure so headman, and so crazy. Therefore, Sule to Jakarta for help uncle Salim, the brother of his mother who supposedly rich. Uh, instead of help she can get, but instead was being chased and arrested by police because of suspected accomplice of a fugitive police thugs.
Movie Info
Director......... :Cuk Fk
Writer........... :-
Genre............ :Comedy
Release.......... :2012
Titik Kamal
Andre Taulani
Indro Warkop
Agus Kuncoro
Dicky Chandra
Movie Trailer
Movie Tag
SULE AY NEED YOU... Free download, SULE AY NEED YOU... Studio 21, video trailer from youtube and subtitle allsubtitle, subscene, opensubtitle. You can download this movie in BRRip, BDRip, DVDRip, TSRip, CAMRip quality video from site mediafire, indowebster, hofile, fileserve, Rapidshare and Megaupload film
Movie Plot
Gerimis Mengundang is the movie tha tells of Zamani's life (Kamal Adli) in the period of life that is full of choices. And Mikha (Olivia Jensen Lubis), beautiful girl who had captured his heart. However, the love story is never easy. So many obstacles they have faced. Have a beautiful story would end at the end of the story?
Movie Info
Director......... : Ahmad Idham Ahmad Nadzri
Writer........... : Ahmad Idham Ahmad Nadzri
Genre............ : Drama
Release.......... : 31 Mei 2012
Felix Agus
Denny Martin
Henny Yuliani
Ebby Cornelis
Olivia Lubis
Kamal Adli
Dhitra Marfie
Movie Trailer
Movie Tag
Gerimis Mengundang Free download, Gerimis Mengundang Studio 21, video trailer from youtube and subtitle allsubtitle, subscene, opensubtitle. You can download this movie in BRRip, BDRip, DVDRip, TSRip, CAMRip quality video from site mediafire, indowebster, hofile, fileserve, Rapidshare and Megaupload film