VIRGIN 3 (2011) - Movie synopsis, trailer, poster, download
Movie Plot
VIRGIN 3 is the new Indonesian movie who tells about Initially, Dini, Tika, Sherry and Putri only planned to celebrate the Putri last night before his departure to attend school in Melbourne. Top Sherry idea, although they are still a minor, with the help of a photographer Tyo, they finally made it into a very exclusive club. That's where the chaosstarted to happen . Children who have never tried the night life was given a drink, and there are many surprises that await them.
Movie Info
Director......... : Nayato Fio Nuala
Writer........... : Cassandra Massardi
Genre............ : Drama
Release.......... : 17 Maret 2011
Cast............. : Irish Bella, Alex Abbad, Fero Walandouw, Shapira Indah, Gege Elisa, Ynessa Ioa Gaffar, Raffi Ahmad
Movie Trailer
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