Setan Facebook (2010) - Movie synopsis, trailer, poster, download

Movie Plot
Farah is a 19th years old teenager who spend her time to facebook, whereever and whenever she always online in facebook. She always update his status facebook everyday. Terror is started when farah invited to confirm profil a stranger people called Mira Anindhita.Farah is lucky women, she never approve that invited, one by one of Farahs friend going to dead after confirm that invitation. After learning about this incidentm, farah was afraid, what causes the death of his friends. Than she asks for hacker help called Roni to investigation about Mira anindhita status. Day by day farah met Oma pujo who become the key of this case...what happen to the Farah....???.

Movie Info

Director...... :Helfi Kardit
Writer......... :M. Ilhamka NizamAnggoro
Genre.......... : Horror
Release....... : 2010
LSF Rating. : Adult
Cast............. : Cindy Anggrina, Boy Hamzah, Jehaan Sienna, Maeeva Amin, Waqid, Ricky Ertan


Setan Facebook download, Setan Facebook Studio 21 video trailer, Movie mediafire, indowebster, film.

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